Verbal Kung Fu For Freelancers - $14.95
you need something you can hold and go through, you'll want to order
the print version of Verbal Kung Fu for Freelancers is for you. Now you
can make notes in your book, quickly flip to whatever page you would
like, and of course take this book wherever you go. Take it with you to
client meetings; just before you meet with them flip through the book:
get motivated, train towards getting your black belt in Verbal Kung Fu wherever you go!
This is the same butt-kicking content that's found
in the Verbal Kung Fu for Freelancers eBook, but in your own personal,
portable reference guide. ISBN: 978-0-9816220-4-0 (Click here for the Kindle version, click the icon below for the printed version).
Verbal Kung Fu for Freelancers (Exclusively for the iPhone/iTouch) - $1.99
book is taking the freelancing world by storm - selling hundreds of
copies in over 20 countries all over the world. If you've ever felt
frustrated or taken advantage of by demanding, unfair or unscrupulous
clients, this is the book for you. Sure, we've all had the "client from
hell" we just wanted to get away from - do something about bad clients
today - build confidence and a defense whereby you can boldly protect
your rights.
I’ve included the top 100+ things that clients say to take advantage of
inexperienced freelance designers and then I provide you with exactly
how you should respond to protect your rights. All freelancers struggle
in not knowing exactly how to handle a difficult client when they put
you on the spot – this book will help you build the confidence (and the
right words) you need protect your rights as a freelancer, even if they
are shy or inexperienced.
Learn EXACTLY what to say when clients say things like
* Can you lower your price
* The check is in the mail
* I need by tomorrow
* We have some changes.
Verbal Kung Fu for Freelancers eBook- $9.95
special eBook version is 166 pages, contains plenty of wonderful
illustrations and inspirational quotes, a "test your client" section,
as well as a handy index with hyperlinks in the back of the book for
easy look ups.
Click here for a complete list and description of all of the 100+ client verbal choke holds in this book. ISBN 978-0-9816220-3-3
Kung Fu for Freelancers is easy-to-read, humorous and clever; this book
a must-have for aspiring and experienced freelancers. Do something
about bad clients today - build confidence and a defensive whereby you
can boldly protect your rights.
(This is a digital download, there is no CD - besides, do you really want to wait for it to be shipped to you?)