What You'll Receive in your
Work Smarter NOT Harder Package
(First time visiting this page? Get the inside scoop by checking out the audio clip below)
16 Time Saving Client Email Templates and Questionnaires
- The “Welcoming a new client” communication will allow you to reassure your client that she/he made the right choice in hiring you and eliminate Buyer’s Remorse. It takes 30 seconds to send to them and makes a tremendous difference.
- 30 critical questions to ask a potential web design client.
- Copyright Information - Quick Reference Document.
- Client in-person or telephone interview questions: Neatly categorized
thought-provoking questions that will give you the information you need to design exactly what the client wants.
- Friendly billing reminder to send your clients.
- Serious quick and easy billing reminder to your clients without wasting time.
- Newsletter sign up verification (friendly but professional way to politely ask your sign up visitors to verify their email address without offending them).
- Follow up communication proposal that politely but professionally asks your potential client if they are ready to hire you.
- Gather feedback on why a client decided to hire you. Use this form to find out what your clients are responding to!
- If a client does hire someone else, you can send this document which will allow you to check in on the client in the future and still get her/his business.
- Ask for testimonials with this document that’s easy for clients to understand, and it works in for audio or a written testimonial.
- “How to get more referrals from clients” document. This follows a proven formula that will help you get more than you're getting now.
- Project Follow-Up Email. Ever wonder why sometimes clients don't give referrals, testimonials, etc? Sometimes it's because you didn't send one of these out.
- Rejection letter for artist candidates -- A professional way to let designers know that you’ve decided to hire someone else.
- What should you say if a client says they still can’t afford you – try offering extended payments – this customizable email explains it to your potential clients.
- Additional sections you can include in your contract, or you can send it to your clients in the form of an email. Addressing these topics (revisions, how to send artwork, etc.) are critical for your project going smoothly and not miscommunicating with your clients. Sure, you can pull a free contract off the internet, but does it really cover you? I've included these sections from my experiences with clients over the course of years - they are essential for any freelancer who wants to make sure they are covered.
8 Hard to Develop Contracts that Keep You from Getting Burned by “Bad People” or “Bad Situations”
- Tough legal contract: you’ll want to use this as your starting point for your contracts, and you can customize it, add or delete sections as you need.
- Do you know what to say or do when your client asks for your raw, master files? Designers have always had trouble explaining to clients that they get the finished artwork only. I wrote this to explain to clients why they don’t get the raw artwork and keep you from having to give away artwork that’s rightfully yours.
- Looking to expand your business with more designers? Check out the “Hiring Sub Contractor Designers” and make sure you’re protecting yourself and your business.
- Non-Disclosure Agreement: this is an essential, standard agreement that you’ll need to protect yourself from someone taking your ideas, artwork, etc.
- If you ever decide to sell your raw, master files, you definitely want to make sure you don’t get the short end of the deal. Protect yourself with the “Selling your master artwork to a client” contract.
- You know that what the client sees on their uncalibrated computer screen isn’t what they get on their printed collateral. Still clients will demand that you refund their money if the colors are even a little off. Protect yourself with the Pantone and Color Consistency Agreement, and avoid having to shell out money for something that wasn’t your fault.
- Offering a refund to dissatisfied clients is a great way to attract business. Check out the Refund Policy Contract, and again, make sure you’re protected.
- Offering flexible/extended terms will help you attract more clients. “The Extended terms, debit or credit card” contract will help you from getting burned by the wrong people.
This package will save you AT LEAST 10-20 hours of work trying to put these together, and a load of aggravation refining them so you feel confident and professional.
Is it worth it just to purchase your own copy so you can focus on what you love to do? If you feel it is, pick it up today.
10 Bonus Documents Added January 2009!
- The 7 Seize the Day Success Questions
- Our Commitment to One Another (Added protection against demanding clients)
- Stop Clients from Submitting too Much Text
- What You Should Look for in a Printer that Will Keep You and Your Design Projects Looking Good
- Organize this_how to stay on top of things when you bring on a new client
- How to design great logos and not pull your hair out
- Gang run versus traditional printing, explaining this to clients so you aren't held responsible for a bad printing job
- The formula for a strong call to action
- Web designers - How to steer clients away from the revision merry go round
- Explaining why clients don't get the original files when they work with you - this one alone is worth the cost!!!
- UPDATE: 04/2009 - Not sure what to say at networking events? I added my exact, word for word 30 second elevator speech.
You'll receive 35 documents + 1 bonus (36 in all) - your call, is it time to pick it up today?
PS - I had a freelancer email me and ask, "I've seen forms/documents offered by other companies, why should I buy the Work Smarter NOT Harder Package?"
Good question: sure faceless companies can churn documents out but they aren't written BY creative freelancers FOR ONLY creative freelancers. These are documents I developed from years of working in the field: I use them and they work. I wanted to make them available to you and other freelancers because I deal with the exact same challenges you do as a freelancer, and these documents have helped me immensely - can these other companies say the same thing?